A letter has been read out in UK congs requesting donations to support the expansion/relocation? of the London Branch, as well as requesting free skilled labour for the project. Further letters are promised on the subject.
(w87 12/1 p. 30 "Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take up collections or send out envelopes to solicit donations.") True, they don't - they just levy (TAX) every congregation on a per publisher basis for corporate cars, assemblies and conventions, and then tug at the sheep's spiritual heartstrings for more of their dwindling financial resources, in order to increase the already gigantic property and investment portfolio.
If it's being relocated, its sale would realise tens of mi££ions, therefore it should be self-funding:
If it's being "expanded", then why is 'Mother' not dipping her hand into her purse which now is bulging with hundreds of million$, and pay the necessary amount for a new piece of land?
I wouldn't be surprised if UK congs were asked for a per publisher contribution as time goes by. In that case, the aforementioned scenarios must be raised as questions prior to the congregation being asked to "vote" on another tax to be paid. (perhaps also a question about the million$ of donated cash being given away to paedophile victims)
The reasoning will probably be, "If we can TAX them for air-fares for missionaries freebies, they'll gladly do this".